Crabgrass (pictured) is an annual weed that crops up when we get warmer temperatures and unlike Bermuda Grass it's easy to kill. You can putCrabgrass Preventer lawn fertilizers down March through late April and this keeps it at bay; however you can target spray your lawn invading friend if say you missed the window or did not know you were going to have crabgrass. Spray Bonide Weed Beater Plus Crabgrass & Broadleaf Weed Killer on the crabgrass and the crabgrass is dead in a few days. Weed Beater Plus Crabgrass & Broadleaf Weed Killer can be used in the lawn without harming it as well as along the lawn borders. Weed Beater Plus Crabgrass & Broadleaf Weed Killer also eliminates dandelions and other broadleaf weeds that may have cropped up in the lawn too.
It comes in two sizes a 32 oz Ready to Use Spray bottle for small target area or in a 32oz Ready to Spray bottle that can cover larger areas easily. Always use as directed and never above 80°F. Both sizes are stocked at the nursery.
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