Roses in the Tri-City and Mid-Columbia areas are easy to work with, bloom for a long time, and are available in various colors and fragrances. You can use roses in a formal garden or provide color in a regular flower bed. They work best with regular watering, fertilizing, good airflow, and in the sun for at least 8 hours of the day (the afternoon sun is best). Here at Job’s, our collection of potted roses is based on the varieties offered by the rose growers of Weeks Roses and Star Roses. Below are our rose lists, along with more information on roses.
2025 Rose List: These roses will be available when they leaf out, usually mid-April to late April. If you want to pre-order roses before they are ready, email us your list, and we can work up an order for you. We do ask for a 50% deposit on pre-orders.
Want to know what we currently have?
Email for our most current inventory list.
Articles of Roses from the Blog of Job's
Here are more helpful links to learn about roses:
The Tri-City Rose Society
The Master Gardener Demonstration Garden
The American Rose Society
Week's Roses
Star Roses
Easy Elegance Roses
International Rose Test Garden in Portland, Or