Prepping the Veggie Garden
Starting the garden or refreshing the garden starts before you buy a seed or transplant.
Place the garden in a space that is in a sunny spot, afternoon sun is best.
- Figure out your type of garden. Row, raised, or container. Row gardens are where the garden is planted in rows. Raised gardens are a little easier because you build raised beds to house you veggie garden. There are many variations to this garden type, you can organize your crops into rows or grids. The final type is container gardens, they are portable and work anywhere there is sun, water and someone to care for them. Just remember to go with a large enough pot for your crops.
- Work organic matter into the soil, store bought or home prepped compost work great. See our selection of composts by following this link. You want to work the ground with it by turning it, tilling it or raking it.
- Plan out the crops, what are going to use and when. If the spring is mild enough you could plant peas, radishes or quick maturing lettuce, harvest them then plant your tomatoes in the same spot at Mother’s Day. Also consider planting a late summer or fall crop when you have had that fill of tomatoes.
- Consider what you want to start from seeds or transplants. (Buying Seeds or Transplants)
- Now plant that garden. Weed it, care for it and then harvest! Enjoy!