Job's Nursery and Pumpkin Patch LLC

Helping Tri-City Gardeners Grow Since 1940!

Job's Nursery LLC is a family owned nursery and tree farm that offers a wide selection of outdoor plants that are hardy for our area. We are located just north of Pasco on Columbia River Road.  It's a short trip to a beautiful location to escape the hustle and bustle of your everyday life.

Pest Controls (Pesticides)

 Pest Controls are the pesticides that we carry to help control those pests when nature can’t keep up bad insect pressure (insecticides), has provided weather conditions that are just right for that disease to erupt in the yard (fungicides), or has blessed your yard with an overabundance of weeds (herbicides).

We carry organic and synthetic treatments that will help bring balance back to your landscape.  The team of Job’s Nursery like to recommend a targeted approach to eliminating the pest versus a blanket kill everything approach.  This way, you can target the problem while having a minimal impact on beneficial insects that are helping your yard’s ecology.

Click to Learn about Pesticide Toxicity Signal Words