Rachio Irrigation Controller: How to Turn off the Saturation Skip Feature
Fellow Rachio Users,
I enjoy most of my Weather intelligence features, the Rain skip, the Wind Skip, or the Seasonal Shift with my Rachio. Though the new Saturation Skip feature can play havoc with your yard if you are not careful with it. The Saturation Skip is intended to adjust or skip water cycles as your soil reaches estimated saturation. This aids in preventing over watering or runoff in yards. It is a problem when you have a irrigation malfunction like clogged emitters, supply issues or broken sprinklers and you want to catch your yard up by running manually. The Saturation skip feature sees this, then accounts for the water applied and countering your efforts to catch up the moisture. I recommend shutting this feature off in the heat of summer to avoid this headache.
Here is how to find Saturation Skip and turn it off if your would like to to.
Go to Calendar on the App, then Select The Schedule you would like to edit.
2. Select Weather Intelligence, depending on what type of schedule you have your screen may look different this is a Flex Monthly schedule shown bellow.
3. Finally uncheck saturation skip, after that the Rachio Controller will behave more like it used to and you can extra water as needed. Especially if you have something go wrong with the system. I recommend making this adjustment if you are a user whom only uses manual run to check to make sure the system is working or extra water a zone to touch it up.
I still enjoy my Rachio Controller and I am happy to have it make daily adjustments to my run times as the weather changes.
The Saturation Skip feature doesn’t work for me. It is for you to decide if its right for you to turn off this feature. It can always be turned back on when needed and off again when it is not right for you.